A place of reflexion, take some breath, gather ideas, seek paths for future

here one finds favourite posts about the practice of Yoga and Meditation

sábado, 17 de dezembro de 2011

quinta-feira, 8 de dezembro de 2011

sábado, 3 de dezembro de 2011

Acalmando a mente e o espirito

Para relaxar a mente uma recomendação é observar os ritmos da natureza. Aproveite para ajustar sua respiração a este ritmo..

domingo, 20 de novembro de 2011

Dakini's BlessingDakini’s Blessing

An excerpt from a teaching by Jetsunma Ahkon Lhamo from the Dakini Workshop

The Dakini is considered to be the enlightened or concerned activity of the Buddha nature. In order to understand the enlightened or concerned activity of the Buddha nature one should understand thoroughly the activity of samsara. In order to do that, one should observe one’s own activity. The key word to describe one’s own activity is effortfulness. Everything that we do requires effort. There is nothing that we can simply do spontaneously without effort. Everything requires effort; including starting with the effort it takes to get up in the morning and the effort that it takes to continue throughout the day. Every single item on our agenda requires some effortfulness.

Of course, there are degrees of effortfulness and there are degrees of ease. You can describe some things as being easy. You can describe some things that you do as being very, very difficult but the key word, the mark of samsaric experience, samsaric movement, is that everything one does requires effortfulness. That is the basis of it. And of course, in order to understand that basis of effortfulness, one must understand the foundation or the basis of activity. All activity experienced within samsaric existence is based on the idea of self-nature as being inherently real because the self is doing the activity. It has to be based on that. And in order for self to interact with the environment, self has to distinguish between self and other. That distinction has to be made. That is the activity that is going on in samsaric experience.

In order for that to happen, one must have attraction, repulsion or neutrality. One must interact with, or continue to meet up against and reinforce duality in every sense. Therefore, in samsaric experience concerning activity, there is always an inherent friction. Nothing slides through. There is no effortlessness. There is always a friction. There is always a bumping up against. That bumping up against has to do with the mind of duality and the distinction between subject and object. There is no movement in samsara without that. All movement occurs in that way.

Therefore, in order to understand the nature of the Dakini and enlightened activity or compassionate activity, one must understand the concept of effortlessness. In order to understand the concept of effortlessness, one must understand the basis for the appearance of miraculous enlightened activity in the world, and that, which is consistent with the nature of the Dakini. The basis for enlightened compassionate activity is that this activity is consistent with, inseparable from and indistinguishable from, enlightenment itself – Buddha nature. That must be understood.

How is that distinct from ordinary activity? Ordinary activity has that friction and struggle associated with its basis. This basis is the fundamental idea of self-nature as being particularly solid. Remember that in order to determine self-nature, one has to distinguish between self and others, so immediately there has to be division, there has to be distinction, there has to be cleavage – there has to be a breakage of some kind. That movement is very hard. It is a movement very much involved in a solid process of continuing the continuum. That is the basis for any activity or movement seen in samsara. That is not the case pertaining to the nature of the Dakini, enlightened activity or compassionate activity.

If we can think of the nature of the Buddha we should think of the great sphere of truth, the undifferentiated expanse, the great sphere of emptiness. We should think that there is no basis for the sphere of truth, there is no basis for emptiness, and there is no building block or cause and effect relationship because there is no distinction within the great expanse. In order to understand the great expanse, the mind has to relax utterly. There is no arising of the components of distinction. There is no contrivance. There is no ripple or friction or cleavage or distinction of any kind. The great sphere of truth is simply suchness. The moment one tries to box up suchness or put it in a bottle or put in a certain shape or color it or distinguish it from suchness, it is no longer that. So, the great sphere of truth is as it is – simply suchness.

Yet, all potency arises from the sphere of truth. All that one sees, all richness, all diversity arises from the sphere of truth: that which we perceive as diversity arises from the sphere of truth. How can that be so? Either a thing is empty or it is not? Well, the mistake, the delusion comes after the idea of self-nature as being inherently real. At that point, the mind operates in the posture of distinction. It operates in the posture of duality. And everything that is perceived from that point is engaged in that process. Yet, from the point of view of enlightenment, when one has awakened to that nature and the view is correct, when one no longer engages in the process of distinction, when the mind is restful, spacious and luminous in the natural state, the mind is not operating in distinction. There is no distinction. And so, all that arises from the sphere of truth arises spontaneously and effortlessly and is spontaneously completed and insubstantial, like a rainbow.

quinta-feira, 10 de novembro de 2011

Om Namah Shivaya Mantra: Yoga Meditation, Vedanta, Tantra

Om Namah Shivaya is a most potent and popular mantra, which is at the heart of the Vedas and Tantra, and is widely used in this and other variations in the Himalayan tradition, as well as by others. This is a more traditional pronunciation of the mantra, unlike the many modern "singing" versions.

Blessings on Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Birthday November 10, 2011

More than 500 years ago, in the skies of India, there were dark, dark clouds. Righteousness was nowhere to be found. It was into these times that Guru Nanak travelled throughout the land, bringing the message of Universal Truth, Divine Love, and equality of all mankind.

May we live to serve and spread the blessing of Guru Nanak Dev Ji that all may live in peace and tranquility.

Snatam Kaur - Ahkan Jor Blessings on Guru Nanak Dev Ji's Birthday November 10, 2011 (25 repetitions of Akhan Jor - 33rd Pauri of Japji Sahib)

Pauri – 33

Aakhann djor tjupè na djor.
We do not have power or control over our disturbed mind nor control for correcting it.

Djor na mangan dén na djor.
No power or control to beg, no power to give.

Djor na djiewan maran na djor.
No power to live, no power to die.

Djor na raaj maal man soor.
No power to rule, with wealth and occult mental powers.

Djor na surti ghyaan wietjaar.
No power to gain intuitive understanding, spiritual wisdom and meditation.

Djor na djughti soetè sansaar.
No power to find the way to escape from the world.

Djis hath djor kar wekhè soé.
He (God) alone has the Power in His Hands. He watches over all.

Nanak utam nietj na koé. ||33||
O Nanak, no one is high or low. ||33||
Har hare Wahe Guru
Har hare Wahe Guru
Har hare Wahe Guru Har hare Wahe Guru

No power to speak, no power to keep silent.

No power to beg, no power to give.

No power to live, no power to die.

No power to rule, with wealth and occult mental powers.

No power to gain intuitive understanding, spiritual wisdom and meditation.

No power to find the way to escape from the world.

He alone has the Power in His Hands. He watches over all.

O Nanak, no one is high or low. ||33||

Har Har Wonderful Guru
Explanation Pauri 33: In our day to day life, we are governed by our Ego and ever changing moods. This is so as we are bound by Time, Space and Causation. Yet, we in our ignorance feel that we have "power" to do this or do that and become boastful of our "power". This ignorance leads us to feel ourselves superior to others.
In this Pauri, Guru Nanak categorically explains that nothing is in our power, its all in God’s hand. And no one in himself is superior or inferior.

Satgur Naanak pargatiaa, mitee dhundh jag chaanan hoaa
When true Guru Nanak became manifest, the mist cleared,
and a light came over the world's darkness.


This movie illustrates the experience from Janmejaya's magic trip in North India - lovely Himalayas, beautiful lakes high in the mountain Nainital, Sattal,Bhimtal, Naukuchiatal and Black Sea... Blessings! Rejoice, enjoy,it's a pilgrimmage to India, \0/ Sri Ram Jai Ram!

terça-feira, 8 de novembro de 2011

Kundalini Yoga Sat Kriya

If can only do one exercise a day this should be 'Sat Kriya'.
Start one minute, rest for two in corpse pose.Enjoy. <3
With teacher Anne Novak(www.annenovakyoga.com)

domingo, 23 de outubro de 2011

Yoga for Better Sleep ~ Full Class 35 min ~ Insomnia Relief, Relaxation,...

Can't sleep? This sequence is the ideal remedy for insomnia and late night tension. Teacher Andrea MacDonald guides you gently through this hatha yoga flow that soothes your mind and nervous system to ensure a restful night of sleep. Duration: 35 min. I fell asleep before the end of the flow!!! Give it a try there is also a free downloadable version of the set.
Benefits: stress release, eases tension in the back, hips and neck, improved sleep


quinta-feira, 20 de outubro de 2011

Kapalbhati Pranayama - Yoga For Weight Loss



Demonstration of Bhastrika

Medical and Scientific Basis of Pranayama by Acharya Balkrishna Published on 10-19-2011

Yoga is a devotion, which makes the mind calm and gives knowledge. Pranayam results in good health. Good health is achieved with changes in daily routine and habits instead of medicines or blessings of somebody. Life is the balance of breaths and basis of vital life energy. Pranayam maintains this balance and energizes vital life energy, which gives long life and healthy body.

Happiness and unhappiness originate from the body, which are believed to be god’s wish. God resides within us, a person who makes his body a temple and the god living inside becomes happy experiences happiness. On the other hand, a person who pollutes his body with different things annoys god living inside, becomes unhappy. Prana or vital life energy is also a form of god, whose basis is respiration. Pranayam maintains the balance of these breaths, which strengthens both mind and body. This is the Yoga devotion, which Swami Ramdev propagates.

He is showing the magic to the whole world with Yoga devotion.

Practice of seven pranayam and their effect on curing diseases was not easily acceptable by everybody. But, the residential camps organized at Patanjali Yogpeeth Ayurveda medical and research institute at Hardwar showed excellent results and when medical science itself proved through its reports that seven-step pranayam overcomes incurable diseases, it created a new kind of enthusiasm towards Yoga in the whole world.

Revered Swami Ramdev Ji experimented this on human body from 1995 onwards but he decided to make the results public in 2002 after getting positive results of his scientific research. He started organizing Yoga camps from 2003 onwards and residential camps from 2004, which proved that changes in daily routine and food along with Yoga devotion has lot of importance. A practitioner practices pranayam with complete dedication in residential camp. A residential camp is organized between 5 and 8 a.m. and the participants wake up at 4 a.m. Prana vayu or vital life energy circulates during this time and the amount of oxygen is highest before sunrise. Oxygen is the vital life energy, which enters inside the body through breath and increases resistance power of the body. The remaining processes of curing disease depends on the nature of pranayam, which are done in a systematic way. This sequence of pranayam is Swami Ramdev’s research. Synchronized and rhythmic breathing maintains the equilibrium of hormones. Disequilibrium of hormones causes different diseases, which is balanced with pranayam. It cures various incurable diseases along with hereditary problems.

Human body is made up with five elements, which are obtained automatically from nature, but when the man starts acting contrary to the nature then the five elements get imbalanced. It affects the nervous system of the body and generates disorders or diseases. Medical science has presented these disorders in a very dangerous manner and we consider that the hormonal imbalance is incurable. Swami Ramdev Ji’s seven-step pranayam has proved that now almost all the diseases are curable. The disease, which occurs due to internal imbalance, is overcome with maintaining the balance. This physical balance is known as Yoga devotion, which cures several dangerous diseases.

Yoga camp begins after prayers. Bhastrika pranayam involves deep breathing in and out, it strengthens the heart, makes the body active, and improves the functioning of respiratory system. Kapalbhati is very effective; this involves exhaling with full force. Breathing out with full force throws out disorders and increases oxygen in blood; it strengthens the life energy of the whole body. Contracting the stomach to exhale reduces weight and fat. It overcomes constipation and painful problem like piles. Breathing out forcefully opens heart blockage, and also avoids the need for bypass surgery. Polluted air goes out and pure oxygen enters the body, which purifies blood, cures skin ailments, eczema, and allergy. It increases internal energy and wipes out allergy. It removes stomach disorders and gives natural glow on face.

Anulom-Vilom pranayam balances the respiratory system and changes the entire biochemistry. Breathing in from left nostril and breathing out from right nostril generates rhythm and cures eyes, ears and nose problems. It controls high blood pressure and the person does not have the necessity to use spectacles. This pranayam cures white, black cataract, enlarged bone inside ear and improves cerebral diseases. It maintains the balance of oxygen in lungs and increases the pure oxygen, which removes eczema, ringworm, itching and white and black spots. It gives natural glow. Bhastrika, Kapalbhati and Anulom-Vilom pranayam are like sure shots for diabetes, cancer, asthma and other serious diseases. Medical research and experiments conducted on Yoga and experiences gained through weekly Yoga camps proved that diseases are caused due to irregular life style; wrong eating habits and physical processes can itself cure those diseases. Man is responsible for happiness, unhappiness, diseases and good health. If he falls ill and becomes unhappy due to ignorance then he can get well with practice of Yog and pranayam. Swami Ramdev believes that a person who reduces one hour of his sleep remains healthy and disease free with longevity. This is the result of Yoga camps that changes disappointment into enthusiasm.

The mission of Swami Ramdev Ji Maharaj for the welfare of sick, suffering, diseased people is indeed commendable. Swami Ji gives various tips for the practice of Yoga and pranayam in the camps, which is more effective when compared to the results obtained from Yoga done at home without proper guidance. In Yoga camps, thousands of people breathe in oxygen at the same time, therefore it reduces the density of oxygen from the atmosphere in that particular area. This process continues for long time. The oxygen increases digestive power, activates thousands of inactive cells in lungs and purifies blood. The additional oxygen burns out excess fat and makes the body energetic. The body weight reduces and becomes light just like a person who feels light after putting down 20 kilos weight from his body. The amount of oxygen is limited inside homes and density of apana increases due to the presence of family members. This is the reason that practice of pranayam inside the house has lesser effects. Therefore,practice it n open area or balcony for getting complete benefit.

Exercise and pranayam generate carbon dioxide, and rest is necessary to remove the foreign particles from the body as it causes tiredness. Stop when you are tired, or breath normally.

Tiredness is caused due to carbon dioxide and therefore a person has to take rest and proper sleep. If any such process were developed, which could replace carbon dioxide with oxygen then nobody would ever get tired and the body would always remain active. The human being along with other creatures would get rid of serious diseases. The muscles never become old, they come back to normal position on getting pure blood just like a frog lying inactively without consciousness or activeness in cold atmosphere but becomes active on getting warm climate. In other words, a person can feel young with pure blood supply.

Brahmari and Udgeeth pranayam create divine vibrations in Yoga camps. This vibration is created due to\ mass practice; this reaches the optimum level and enters the practitioner’s ears. This has immense strength,which creates vibration in blood veins and nerves, which removes heart blockage, lung disorders and activates the digestive system.

These vibrations have same effect as the following:

Just like the sound of huge bell hanging from the ceiling of a large dome in a temple, which vibrates the hearts and minds of devotees and removes toxicity from blood.

Just like the butter that separates from buttermilk on churning it.

Just like the old practice where in four or five men used to beat a bronze plate and create loud noise near a person who has been bitten by a snake. This creates special vibration in the patient’s blood and the poison is removed.

In Yoga camps devotees practice pranayam in a group with devotion, dedication, faith and fight to overcome diseases. Pranayam done at home does not give expected results; it could be explained like the situation of a child who does not feel like eating when he is alone but eats well in company.

Yoga is practiced in camps by inculcating the feeling of faith, positive attitude with concentration, dedication and punctuality. Oh lord! I have faced lot of pain and now I am in your shelter. Oh almighty, omnipotent god please bless me and relieve my problems. I have come into your shelter. Pranayam done in this manner arouses consciousness and nationality. Pranayam is done with free mind without any inhibitions and doubts. It gives lot of benefit to the devotee. Yoga is a complete medical science. Yoga overcomes stiffness of mind and body.

Bhramari Pranayam


quarta-feira, 12 de outubro de 2011

Yoga Mudras Of The Human Body - Body Talk

Give them a try....

Heavy Weights and Devotion

In order from left to right:
Shechen Rabjam Rinpoche, Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche, Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche and Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche.

"Even if we have met a teacher and received instructions, however, we will never be able to receive his blessings if we do not have fervent devotion and complete confidence in him and his teachings. And without his blessings we will not progress along the path. First of all, therefore, we need to generate devotion."

- Kyabje Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche -

Prayer for the Swift Rebirth of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche(short version) by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Prayer for the Swift Rebirth of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche
by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

༄༅། །ར་&ོན་གསོལ་འདེབས།
བ"ང་ཡས་བ'ལ་པར་ཐ,གས་བ.ེད་དམ་བཅའི་མཐ,ས། །
!ུས་འདིར་ཡོངས་,ོགས་༧/ལ་བན་གསལ་མཛད་པའི། །
གསམ་&ན་འ)ུལ་འཛ-ན་དམ་པར་གསོལ་འདེབས་ན། །
ཅེས་པ་དམ་པ་གང་གི་ཞལ་-ོབ་འི་དགེ་ང་བན་འཛ8ན་་མཚ;ས་བོད་ལ་ལོ་ ༢༡༣༨ རབ་གནས་'གས་ཡོས་
་ ༧ ས་ ༡༨ ་ལོ་ ༢༠༡༡་ ༩ ་ ༡༥ ཉིན་ཨར་ཇེན་ཊི་ནའི་གནམ་ཐང་/ུ་ཤར་མར་ས་པ་དགེ། །།

Drang yé kalpar tuk kyé tamchai tü
By the power of your bodhicitta vow for numberless kalpas,
Tü dir yong dzok gyalten sel dzépai
To you, venerable vinaya master and upholder of the three vows,
Sumden düldzin tampar söldep na
Who in these times has illuminated the whole of the conquerors’ teachings, we pray:
Yang trül zhönnu’i zuk ku nyur char söl
Appear again swiftly as a youthful rūpakāya emanation!

Written just as it came to him by a disciple of the sublime master, the Buddhist monk Tenzin Gyatso, in an airport in Argentina on the 18th day of the 7th month in the Tibetan royal year 2138, year of the Iron Rabbit, 15 September 2011.
Translated by the Padmakara Translation Group, 2011

Prayer for the Swift Rebirth of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Please kindly spread on....

Prayer for the Swift Rebirth of Kyabje Trulshik Rinpoche
by His Holiness the Dalai Lama

Ku zhi’i danyi namdren nyimai nyen
Our Teacher, the Buddha who embodies the four kāyas, sun-like spiritual friend;
Tsokyé dorjé jebang nyer ngai zhap
Lake-born Vajra with his twenty-five disciples, king and subjects;
Dorjé zhonnu arya taré sok
Vajra Kumāra, Noble Tāra, and all the other deities of the Three Roots,
Tsasum zhitro tengdir gelek tsöl
Peaceful and wrathful—bestow your happiness and wellbeing, here and now!
Tupten chi tang ngagyur zapsang söl
Lord, Vinaya holder, master of the treasury of all the Buddhist teachings in general,
Longchen gongchü dzö nga düldzin jé
And of the Ancient Translation tradition, profound and secret, Longchenpa’s
quintessential wisdom,
Gyurmé ngawang chökyi lodrö zhap
Gyurme Ngawang Chökyi Lodrö,
Dren chok pelden lamar sölwa dep
Sublime guide and glorious teacher, at your feet I pray.
Tongdröl tsen péi zuk ku kyedro yi
That you, who were present, as the protector of beings, in the body of form with all the
marks and signs
Göntu zhuk té shé tang drub pa yi
Bringing liberation on seeing and, through practice and teaching, disseminating
Lungtok gyalten chok tar pel zhintu
In every direction the scriptures and realization of the conqueror’s teachings,
Lobur zhiwar nel di kyema hü
Have suddenly passed into nirvāṇa—alas, how sad!
Nyikma nga yi güpa cher dowé
As the ravages of the five degenerations intensify in strength,
Kyegu’i pendéi tsalak gyalwai ten
The conqueror’s teachings—root and branch of all beings’ benefit and happiness—
Lung nang marmé zhintu gyurpa di
Are like a candle in the wind;
Gongla chok ki yangtrül lar chön söl
Heed me, and return, I pray; reappear as a sublime emanation!2
Pöyül takop münpai ling chenmor
Before, when the land of Tibet was a great continent of barbarous darkness,
Yangdak chökyi nangwa tokma ru
You established there the illuminating light of the true Dharma;
Trang dzé bairo’i tuk kyé ma nyelwar
Do not forget the vows you made then as Vairotsana—
Yangtrül kangjong gyalten peltu chön
Emanate again; for the glory of the conqueror’s teaching in the Land of Snows, return!
Zhidül ngurmik changwai tsangchö kyi
Peaceful and disciplined, with the pure conduct of those who wear the saffron robes,
Tenpai tsawa sosor tarpai tsül
Holding, and learned in, the prātimokṣa tradition, the very root of the teachings,
Dzin khé chok ki yangtrül sarpai pel
In all the splendor of a sublime emanation appearing anew,
Tubpai dungtsop nyitu nyur chön söl
Return swiftly, I pray, as the very successor of the Muni!
Chiktu changchen zhiwai gyatso ru
The non-sectarian teachings of the conquerors flow down
Zhölzhing bap pai rimé gyalwai ten
As one, leading to the peaceful ocean of great enlightenment;
Dzokpar nyamsu zhepai namchö kyi
With the discernment of practicing them in their entirety,
Yangtrül rimé tenpai peltu chön
Emanate again; for the glory of the non-sectarian teachings, return!
Kadak dzokpa chenmo’i zapsang né
Rich in the profound and secret crucial points of the Great Perfection of primordial
Namdak termai men ngak tumé chuk
And the many pith-instructions of the pure concealed treasures,
Ngagyur rang ten tekpai yangtsé chok
Learned upholder of the very summit of all the vehicles of the ancient translations’ own
Kyong khé yangtrül dazhön nyur chön söl
Return swiftly, I pray; emanate again, like the full moon!3
Ku yi trengwar namkha jisi bar
In a series of embodiments, for as long as space exists,
Drangyé drowa drölwai tuk kyé kyi
Through your vow to liberate all, innumerable beings,
Chigö gyalten pel la damé pai
Peerless in disseminating the conqueror’s teachings, both general and particular,
Yangtrül nyinché wangpo nyur chön söl
Return swiftly, I pray; emanate again, like the mighty sun!
Chöying nampar dakpai den top tang
Through the power of truth of the utterly pure expanse of reality,
Tenching dreljung luwa mepa tang
Through the infallibility of interdependent arising,
Choksum gyalwa gyatso’i chinlap kyi
And through the blessings of the Three Jewels and the infinite conquerors,
Jitar mönpai tön kün nyur drup sho
May these prayers, for the benefit of all, swiftly be accomplished!

Because Dzarong Trulshik Ngawang Chökyi Lodrö Rinpoche—holder of the treasury of the Old
Translation teachings, vajra-holder with all the three vows, who insatiably received the nectar of the Buddhist teachings, both sūtra and tantra, from many venerable non-sectarian masters, filling the excellent vessel of his mind to the brim, and who in particular was the inheritor of Vajradhara Dilgo Khyentse Rinpoche, Gyurme Tenpai Gyaltsen—has recently displayed the dissolving of his intention in the expanse of reality, several great disciples of the lord, born from his speech and of all traditions, have felt the need for and requested a prayer that he be reborn swiftly as another emanation; at their request, and having myself received from that venerable master so many profound empowerments, explanations and transmissions, remembering the way he gave them with his smiling face, his fascinating words, and his caring, affectionate mind, as his respectful disciple, I, the Buddhist monk Tenzin Gyatso, on the auspicious date of the third day of the eighth month of the iron hare year of the seventeenth Rabjung cycle, 30 September 2011, wrote this prayer imploring him to return swiftly as another emanation. Virtue!
Translated by the Padmakara Translation Group 2011

domingo, 9 de outubro de 2011

Shantideva's Bodhisattva Way of Life (Bodhicaryavatara): Buddhist Chant ...

Lyrics -( this is sooooooooo beautiful, may people who listen to it, benefit!)

taccittaratnagrahaṇāya samyakpūjāṃ karomy eṣa tathāgatānām |

saddharmaratnasya ca nirmalasya buddhātmajānāṃ ca guṇodadhīnām ||1||

yāvanti puṣpāṇi phalāni caiva bhaiṣajyajātāni ca yāni santi |

ratnāni yāvanti ca santi loke jalāni ca svacchamanoramāṇi ||2||

mahīdharā ratnamayās tathānye vanapradeśāś ca vivekaramyāḥ |

latāḥ supuṣpābharaṇojjvalāś ca drumāś ca ye satphalanamraśākhāḥ ||3||

sábado, 8 de outubro de 2011

Shanti Mantra by Ravi Shankar

Shanti, shanti, shanti.....om shanti.

Footsteps of the Enlightened Ones (Chapter 1: Introduction)

There are altogether 12 chapters in this video covering an exclusive interview with His Holiness the Gyalwang Drukpa during the year 2002 pilgrimage. In this first chapter, the holy pilgrimage sites of Lord Buddha are briefly introduced.
May many be able to follow the footsteps of the Buddha as well as go to India for a pilgrimage.

May the precious guru live long and healthy so as to guide many, mangalam!!!

domingo, 2 de outubro de 2011

"Be the change you wish to see in the world"

On this day exactly 142 years ago, Mahatma (Great Soul) Gandhi was born . Today Gandhi's birthday is commemorated as a national holiday in India and as the International Day of Non-Violence 'round the world.

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2011

M*oon Riv*er - Sungha Jung

He said he practices an hour or so a day except when school is out, then he practices three hours a day. He definitely has a gift but he obviously has to practice to get it right. It takes muscle memory, memorization and skill, and that comes with practice. This is yoga, luv it!!!

sábado, 17 de setembro de 2011


‎"Everything, whether you like it or not—even the path, the precious Buddhist path—is compounded [i.e., impermanent]. It has a beginning, it has a middle and it has an end."—Dzongsar Jamyang Khyentse Rinpoche (via Shambhala Sun http://bit.ly/dSCpdV)


Caetano is an inspiration for shure. The subtitles are in English. Listen, it lights one up, so enjoy, may you always be inspired by this precious life!

segunda-feira, 12 de setembro de 2011

sábado, 10 de setembro de 2011

Naam Yoga Miami Presents: Triple Mantra


Clearing Yourself of Other Peoples Negativity II 10 Minutes


A follow up to the short and sweet exercise with mantra and movement to clear yourself of other persons negative energy. This 3 exercise-meditation process further clears negativity and negative enrgy from the energy field of the person doing this kriya. For physicians, healers, therapists and contact with anyone who is carrying negative energy. Preparing yourself for a next client patient or person. Great lymphatic and nervous system cleanser and stimulator. From Kundalini Yoga teachings of Yogi Bhajan, presented by Dr. Barry J Goodman, non-sikh Kundalini Yoga Teacher. Please look up a Kundalini Yoga class as taught by Yogi Bhajan in your area of the world!! www.KRIteachings.com or through my personal website www.aquarianyahh.org

YogaVision 30 Minute Kundalini Yoga Class.mp4

Experience the effects of this full length class. The sequence includes the opening mantra, warm up exercises, the kriya called Self Adjustment of the Spine, a relaxation and Meditation for a Calm Heart. Wahe Guru Ji Kha Khalsa, Wahe Guru Ji Khee Fateh!!

quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2011

Precious Lama-la :)

To My Root Guru, the Essence of all the Triple Gem,
I Fervently Pray to You, Kindly look & hear my Request,
The Self –Arisen true Nature of my mind, luminosity,
Bless me to realize it Perfectly without Mis

In All my lives may i never be parted from My Perfect Masters,
May i continuously enjoy the Dharma practices with them,
Acquiring all Bhumis & acomplishments perfectly,
Attain the Vajradhara stage very swiftly.....

quarta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2011

ॐ ∞Parnashavari ( healing mantra)

Om Pishachi Parnashavari Sarvajora Prashamanayeh Soha, so beautiful may this help many!!
Please pass it on...

terça-feira, 30 de agosto de 2011

The Six Yogas of Naropa, Master of Buddhist Tantra

by Timothy Weiss, through Professor Rev. Dr. James Kenneth Powell II, opensourcebuddhism.org This project investigates the six principal tantric practices as presented by the great Naropa, student of Mahasiddha Tilopa. Naropa skirts the bounds between monastic discipline and complete freedom, but remaining still a scholar, completes these treatises for our benefit. Fascinating work by Weiss.

Robert Thurman in Tibet Milarepa lecture

This is an excerpt from "Journey Into Tibet." The filming conditions were minimal, the camera wasn't functioning properly at the altitude - we were in a tent on the side of Mt. Kailash. Apologies for the visuals.

sexta-feira, 19 de agosto de 2011

Yogis Of Tibet (2002)- Full Movie

Full movie: For the first time, the reclusive and secretive Tibetan monks agree to discuss aspects of their philosophy and allow themselves to be filmed while performing their ancient practices.

One-Moment Meditation.Subtitulado mp4


Here is basic training in One-Moment Meditation - helping you reduce stress, focus better, and find a bit of peace ... quickly. Learn more about One-Moment Meditation at www.onemomentmeditation.com.


quinta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2011

Belo Monte: Valter Cardeal Mente Sobre Oitivas Indígenas, a Sheyla Jurun...

In June of this year in Foz do Iguaçú, Brazil, at the International Hydropower Association's bi-yearly Congress, Eletrobras Director Valter Cardeal declared: "All of the indigenous people, even the Kayapó who live upstream from the area of impacts, are in favor of Belo Monte." Cardeal made the declaration with a straight face, speaking to the audience of dam industry CEOs, financial officers, and government representatives who were probably ecstatic to hear such a development. Too bad it wasn't true. Sitting in the front row were indigenous leaders Sheyla Yakarepi Juruna and Patxon Metuktire. In fact, they said, indigenous people were not properly consulted. And that's against the law.
Cardeal supported his claim by using a powerpoint presentation that juxtaposed photos of indigenous leaders Raoní, Tuíra, and Megaron – well known opponents of Belo Monte – with other leaders from the area of impacts on the "Big Bend" in the Lower Xingu Basin, next to a list of meetings held with indigenous people. The data was culled from a report called the "Indigenous Component," in which indigenous leaders' attitudes towards Belo Monte were studied and categorized. The report was added to the Belo Monte EIA in 2009 after the studies were completed, and the government has controversially used the report since then to argue that tribes were properly consulted.

When it comes to ascertaining whether or not tribes were properly consulted, live testimony works so much better than powerpoint data. Listening to Cardeal speak was Sheyla Yakarepi Juruna, an indigenous leader of the Juruna tribe of Km-17, a tribe that will be affected. Sheyla figures prominently in the 2009 report, as the agency visited and interviewed her a number of times in the territory of the Juruna of Km-17.

In Iguaçú, Sheyla decried Cardeal's lie:

"It's easy for you to claim that we're in favor, isn't it. The fact is that there were no indigenous consultations. There were no indigenous consultations. There were small meetings to inform us of the situation at the time. But how will our lives change after the dam is built? This whole time we've demanded to be heard by the National Congress. And we're still waiting for that to happen. The government used us, took advantage of our good faith, and together with FUNAI they went into our communities only to study us. And based on that they said we were consulted. That's a huge lie."

Valter Cardeal, Diretor da Eletrobras, mente e declara que "todos os lideranças indígenas são a favor do Belo Monte", em Congresso Internacional das Barragens organizada pela IHA (International Hydropower Association). Sheyla Juruna, liderança dos Juruna do Km-17, estava lá para desmentir sua declaração. Confira sua resposta. Este vídeo consta no blog:http://www.internationalrivers.org/en/blog/zachary-hurwitz/2011-8-11/legal-status-belo-monte-built-house-cards

domingo, 7 de agosto de 2011


George Harrison tribute - All Things Must Pass


ALL THINGS MUST PASS By George Harrison \0/

Sunrise doesn't last all morning
A cloudburst doesn't last all day
Seems my love is up
And has left you with no warning
But it's not always going to be this grey
All things must pass
All things must pass away
Sunset doesn't last all evening
A mind can blow those clouds away
After all this my love is up
And must be leaving
It has not always been this grey
All things must pass
All things must pass away
All things must pass
None of life's strings can last
So I must be on my way
And face another day
Now the darkness only stays at nighttime
In the morning it will fade away
Daylight is good
At arriving at the right time
It's not always going to be this grey
All things must pass
All things must pass away
All things must pass
All things must pass away

Skeletal and Bone Marrow Shaking

VIMALAKIRTI NIRDESA SUTRA Translated by Robert A. F. Thurman Copyright 1976, The Pennsylvania State University


Peter Sellars Discusses The Vimalakirti Sutra

The Vimalakirti Sutra: Public rehearsals with Peter Sellars, Kate Valk, Michael Schumacher.

Friday, September 30 Saturday, October 1, at 7 p.m. Tickets: $25

This presentation complements the exhibition "Once Upon Many Times: Legends and Myths in Himalayan Art" (opening September 6, 2011)


"Yogin" is a commentary on how yoga in the West is often mistaken solely for the physical. And the danger of getting ahead of ourselves - thinking that because we have a strong practice or are more spiritually oriented, that it means we are a better person. Luv it!!!!

segunda-feira, 1 de agosto de 2011

Spirit of the Plants

The spirit of the plants
Has come to me
In the form of a beautiful
Dancing green woman

Her eyes filled me
With peace
Her dance filled me
With peace

The spirit of the plants
Has come to me
In the form of a beautiful
Dancing green woman

Her eyes filled me
With peace
Her dance filled me
With peace

The spirit of the plants
Has come to me
And has blessed me
With great peace

Her eyes filled me
With peace
Her dance filled me
With peace

The spirit of the plants
Has come to me
In the form of a beautiful
Dancing green woman

Morning Call

Preparing for a 2 1/2 hour Global Chant on August 26th, Yogiji's Birthday.
Train Long Ek Ong Kaar Meditation with Krishna Kaur.
Wahe Guru\0/

sábado, 30 de julho de 2011

sábado, 2 de julho de 2011

domingo, 26 de junho de 2011

Aung San Suu Kyi's idea of freedom offers a radical message for the west The Burmese heroine's Reith lectures expose our patronising attitudes to Buddhism, and injects fresh meaning into a concept we have abused

Madeleine Bunting
guardian.co.uk, Sunday 26 June 2011 21.00 BST
Article history
On the wall by my desk, there's a spread of photos of Aung San Suu Kyi which appeared in the Guardian a year ago. It's a kind of family photo album with snaps of engagement, babies, university, chilly British family picnics and travels. It's a strikingly poignant illustration of everything Aung San Suu Kyi has sacrificed over 15 years of imprisonment in her struggle for Burmese democracy. Every time it catches my eye, it is both humbling and gives me hope: a reminder of what the human spirit is capable of.

Illustration by Andrzej Krauze
Much has been made of her remarkable biography – catapulted by circumstance from family life in Oxford into the violent repressive politics of Burma in 1988; missing the illness and death of her husband and the raising of her children to pursue the cause. What makes her Reith lectures so fascinating is they represent a statement of the ideals and mindset which have steeled her resolve and inspired her courage. The first lecture addresses the universal human desire for freedom, the second considers her fight in Burma to achieve it. She is taking her stand on an ideal to which the west has a tendency to claim copyright in the Enlightenment. What's more, freedom is an ideal which has been bastardised in recent years by the rhetoric of two disastrous American wars. Deftly, she lays out an understanding of freedom which owes more to Buddhism than western philosophy and, in so doing, injects a radical new meaning into an abused ideal. She is simultaneously quietly challenging western hubris and offering her global audience a new interpretation.

She does this not by expounding on obscure Buddhist philosophy – there is only one explicit mention of Buddhism – but by translating her spiritual tradition into a wide range of western thinkers, poets and writers: Vaclav Havel, the Russian poet Anna Akhmatova, Ratushinskaya, Henley, Kipling and Isaiah Berlin. What is far more important to her than a sales pitch for a much misunderstood religion/philosophy is that her global audience connect to what she is saying and she helps by giving plenty of familiar reference points, slipping the unfamiliar in alongside. She weaves in Christian metaphors and concepts with the Buddhism, Russian poetry and the eastern European dissident tradition. It is a unique synthesis of east and west, only possible in someone deeply versed in both.

Many of her western admirers will immediately grasp the language of human rights. It is the Buddhism which may be less comprehensible; for instance she recounts an anecdote in which people ask how it felt to be free after each period of house arrest, to which she replied "my mind had always been free". Or, in another passage, she says "Buddhism teaches that the ultimate liberation is liberation from all desire". Perhaps these are the points where western minds shift uncomfortably at the proximity of spiritual faith to politics. But the most crucial fact about Aung San Suu Kyi's politics is how it is rooted in her Buddhism.

For her, freedom is not only a set of institutions, laws and political processes, it is also a quest of the individual spirit, the struggle to free oneself from greed, fear and hatred and how they drive one's own behaviour. That is why she always talks of a "revolution of the spirit". You cannot have one without the other, both are part of transformational change; the individual and personal is inextricably bound up with the political, as she made clear in her interviews with the American Buddhist, Alan Clements, in Voice of Hope. Clements shared a Buddhist teacher with her and he told me that the meditational practices she is known to pursue are vital to cultivate the courage and insight for her political battles. When asked by Clements what her greatest struggle was, she replied: "It's always a matter of developing more and more awareness, not only day to day but moment to moment. It's a battle which will go on the whole of my life." Her greatest aim, she told him, was "purity of mind".

It is the awareness which enables her to perceive the fear that lies behind the violence of the Burmese junta and to insist on offering them dialogue. The practice of metta – "loving kindness" – is not passive, she says, and points to the Buddha himself, who went to stand between two warring parties to protect them both at the risk of his own safety.

This is a radical message for western politics steeped in a technocratic managerialism and obsession with presentation: that the personal spiritual struggle cannot be stripped out of politics. But perhaps what gets overlooked is how revolutionary her message also is to her own Buddhist tradition. Not only is she a woman, she is a lay woman in a faith tradition dominated by male monasticism. Across Asia, those monastic institutions have frequently become complicit in state structures – in Burma, spiritual preoccupations have often been an excuse for disengagement. In her Reith lecture she picks her words carefully. "There is certainly a danger that the acceptance of spiritual freedom as a satisfactory substitute for all other freedoms could lead to passivity and resignation.

But an inner sense of freedom can reinforce a practical drive for the more fundamental freedoms in the form of human rights and the rule of law." She points to the monks who led the 2007 saffron revolution as acting out of "loving kindness" for the people suffering from sharp rises in food prices. She is putting herself at the forefront of the reforming movements in Buddhism in Asia, gently insisting on the interrelationship between practical action and private spiritual discipline.

Lastly, Aung San Suu Kyi's Buddhism is challenging one of the most persistent orientalist myths. Just as Islam was characterised as violent by Christian imperialists, Buddhism was scorned for its quietism, and self-absorbed fatalism: both were treated with comparable contempt under colonialism. Theistic Christians found Buddhism incomprehensible. That legacy persists; the current pope has described Buddhism as "self-indulgent eroticism". Bizarrely, Buddha statuary end up as a staple of garden centres, the Buddha as the consumer's symbol of calm and detachment. In a television interview the Beckhams once appeared in their sitting room alongside a near-lifesize gilt Buddha. The popular perception is of Buddhism as a form of calming therapy, much like a massage oil.

That is to emasculate the force of a powerful philosophy with radical political implications. Aung San Suu Kyi knows all too well how Buddhism has played a major political role throughout Asia, both for good and bad. Its adherents are growing fast in both India and China, as well as in the west. Like the Dalai Lama and the Vietnamese monk Thich Nhat Hanh, she is playing a vital role in communicating through her words and her life a Buddhism that speaks to the deepest human needs.

A healthy treehouse

sábado, 25 de junho de 2011

Bu ddhaṃ śa ra ṇaṃ ga cchā mi
Dha rmaṃ śa ra ṇaṃ ga cchā mi
Saṃ ghaṃ śa ra ṇaṃ ga cchā mi

Buddhaṃ śaraṇaṃ gacchāmi
Dharmaṃ śaraṇaṃ gacchāmi
Saṃghaṃ śaraṇaṃ gacchāmi


To the Buddha for refuge I go
To the Dharma for refuge I go
To the Sangha for refuge I go

Notes on The Three Refuges

Sometimes you will see the phrases translated as "I take refuge.." but the verb in this sentence is gacchāmi which is the first person singlular of the verb "to go". So it is very definitely I go rather than I take.

The only difference in the Pāli is that śaraṇaṃ becomes saraṇaṃ - the śa changing to sa.

Praise Calling the Lama from afar part3


Praise Calling the Lama from afar part2


Praise Calling Lama from afar part1


domingo, 12 de junho de 2011

Timeless Tashiding

Timeless Tashiding

A Warrior Song by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

A Warrior Song by Chogyam Trungpa Rinpoche

Real Gurus “Couldn't care less”

Dzongsar Khyentse Rinpoche on relationships, profession and hobbies...

Things that inspire me to practice

It isn't simply seeing our teachers, or even hearing them, that creates a spiritual bond. It's when we take the teachings we've received and bring them into our own experience that an unshakeable connection is formed. The more we practice, the stronger the bond with our teacher becomes. in Letter from Yongey Mingyur Rinpoche upon Entering Retreat